Saturday, September 19, 2015

New York Times reporters recognize the Trump tactical advantage in the GOP primary struggle

This afternoon, Ken Bode, my boss at the Center for Political Reform in 1971-72, emailed me, saying, "I see that the NYT band of analysts finally caught up with you today. I just tell people you were well mentored." Very true. For many decades, Ken has been an amazingly astute observer of American politics.     

The New York Times reports that “[i]f Mr. Trump draws one-third of the Republican primary vote, as recent polls suggest he will, that could be enough to win in a crowded field. After March 15, he could begin amassing all the delegates in a given state even if he carried it with only a third of the vote. And the later it gets, the harder it becomes for a lead in delegates to be overcome, with fewer state contests remaining in which trailing candidates can attempt comebacks.” 

I wrote about this impact of the Republican delegate selection rules on August 11 in a blog post published in the Blue Nation Review on August 26. 

If Trump survives the latest flap surrounding his tacit agreement with a birther at a post-debate event in New Hampshire – and it looks like he will – then he most likely will be the Republican nominee. Unless the Republicans coalesce around one or two powerful non-Trump alternatives (something that is not likely to occur), all he needs to do is to keep at 30-35% primary electorate support; he doesn't need to expand his support, he just needs to maintain what he now has. Only if state parties electing delegates after March 15 switch from winner-take-all to proportional representation delegate allocation schemes could he be stopped. But if state parties now make such changes, Trump clearly will view that as a breach of his “contract” with the Republican National Committee to agree to support the nominee. That would lead to a third-party run by Trump if he does not get the nomination.

The Clown Car is running into a ditch.

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