There may be many reasons why Politician X endorses
Politician Y in a party primary for higher office. X may have a personal friendship or affinity
for Y. X may see Y as extending X’s legacy.
X may be returning the favor for an earlier endorsement by Y.
None of these reasons are necessarily bad reasons. But for voters deciding among a number of ideological
acceptable candidates, these reasons ought not to be sufficient. While we may appreciate endorsements as
information to be considered in deciding for whom to vote, at bottom, we as voters
want to know which candidate is most likely to get the job done. This is a function of knowledge, experience,
proven track record, and commitment to public service.

That is why Maryland 8
th District Congressman
Jamie Raskin’s endorsement of State Senator Rich Madaleno for the Democratic
Gubernatorial Nomination is significant.
Jamie has no particular political reason to
endorse one of the many candidates, all of whom are progressive.
But in a rousing and inspiring speech before a gathering in Silver Spring recently, Congressman Raskin – who, himself, has
demonstrated that he is one of the wisest and committed members of the House of
Representatives – explained at length why Rich is the best person for the
Jamie noted that right out of
graduation from university, Rich began working as a budget analyst for the
Maryland General Assembly, and next served as an aide to the Montgomery County
Council until being elected to the House of Delegates in 2002 and then the State
Senate in 2010.
“He has devoted his
entire career to us,” Jamie reminded us.

Jamie and Rich served together for 10 years in the Maryland
Senate, until Jamie was elected to Congress in 2016.
In that time, Jamie explained, Rich
established himself as the General Assembly’s “Budget Policy Genius” who knows
that the state budget is an ethical document that reflects our priorities.
Jamie described how, on issue after issue,
Rich provided the skills and expertise to get important legislation
Jamie told the assembled group
that Rich has been a person who seeks not the “political center” to be
positioned politically, but, rather the “moral center” from which to lead.
Jamie Raskin himself
provides a “moral center” in the House of Representatives.
Rich would provide that as Governor.
As Jamie told us, “Good enough ain’t
We need the best.”
Also, please check out Jamie Raskin's endorsement video of Rich:
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